After the recently opened photo exhibition "European cemeteries: Soul gardens, variety and heritage", which included photographs by authors from 16 European countries, Parkovi does not stop with novelties.
These days, after the launch of the search engine for the deceased through the website of Parkovi, which for the aforementioned reason also took on a new design in order to be more accessible to users, an info kiosk was set up and put into operation at the cemetery, which was fully financed by Parkovi d.d..
Info kiosk provides on-line access to information for citizens of Varaždin and tourists. At the info kiosk, citizens can find out the schedule of funerals at the Varaždin and Bishkupe cemeteries and find information about the place of burial of the deceased through the deceased's search engine.
- Via the info kiosk at the Varaždin City Cemetery, access to the necessary information is facilitated for our citizens, and in order to make it easier for them to find their way around the cemetery in Parkovi, the installation of markers for the burial fields - they stand out from Parkovi - is in the final stage.
Info-kiosk na varaždinskom groblju: Poboljšanje standarda za građane i turiste (
Published: 06.06.2014. 15:25